This is a place to explore and create.

I am glad you have found your way to my website.

For now, this is just my personal playground. However, I plan to upload writings, thoughts, surveys, project ideas for potential work together and, eventually, a podcast.

I am curious about many fields and areas of exploration, academic and otherwise. To give an idea of what is currently on my mind and what I would like to learn more about or do projects on, here are a few themes:

Computational Neuroscience

Building neurotechnology

Perception of Self

Computation and Biology

Fundamental differences between biological and silicon - based systems


Fungi and the communication networks they form

Building climate and environmental solutions with fungi

Software engineering and where it's going

The history and philosophy of social liberalism

Grassroot organizations and why they succeed or fail

I will keep updating these. Feel free to reach out to me under paul@madhatter.pro.

Below you can find further links. I will fill these sections over them or otherwise modify or replace them.

Podcasts Games Blog Other Projects

An AI created artistic image merging brains and fungal networks

See you round!